Monday, November 23, 2009

Veterans Expeditions at Outward Bound

Outward Bound

Adventure and challenge, solitude, reflection, and renewal, the wilderness has always symbolized a new beginning - a place for discovery and fulfilling adventure. The Outward Bound program for Veterans provides an opportunity for camaraderie and has proven to be a powerful tool helping veterans readjust after leaving the combat zone.

Through generous funding by the Military Family Outdoor Initiative Project, a joint partnership of The Sierra Club and The Sierra Club Foundation, The Anschutz Family Foundation, and The Disabled American Veterans we are offering fully underwritten Outward Bound programs to Veterans. This is a tremendous opportunity for adventure and self-discovery to our veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). We have over 20 years serving our nation's combat veterans through a long partnership with the Disabled American Veterans organization, where we have offered enriching wilderness expeditions specifically designed for war veterans at no cost to the participants.

Our newest programs offer numerous wilderness adventures exclusively for war veterans, and are fully funded for all participants, to include their roundtrip stateside travel costs between home and the excursion site. Our goals include helping participating veterans build a supportive community with other war veterans; facilitating discussions on readjustment and transition challenges; and re-energizing and reinvigorating our veterans' spirits with adventures and challenges in the beautiful outdoors.

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